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Violet Aquarium

Red Ring Wrasse RRW120301 WYSIWYG Size: L 4.5" approx Juv Solomon Islands

Red Ring Wrasse RRW120301 WYSIWYG Size: L 4.5" approx Juv Solomon Islands

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The Pastel Ring Wrasse (Hologymnosus doliatus) is also known as the Candy cane wrasse, Longface wrasse, Narrow-banded wrasse, Ringed rainbowfish and simply the Ringed wrasse. They are not a common wrasse on Tanzanian reefs but neither are they uncommon.

As with many wrasses the colouration changes dramatically as the fish ages from a juveniles into an adult.  At all stages of their development they are extremely attractive looking fish. The images below document the changes from a small juvenile below all the way through to a large adult male lower down in the post.

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